// why choose us

Your Partner for
Software Innovation

NousTek is the partner of choice for many new age enterprises, SMEs and technology challengers. We help businesses elevate their value through custom software development, product design, automation garage and practitioner services.


Decades of deep expertise in bleeding edge technology with intelligent solutions.

Time To Market

We’ll help you test bold new ideas in least possible time.

// our services

We Offer a Wide
Variety of IT Services

Web Development

We carry more than just good coding skills. Our experience makes us stand out from other web development.

Practitioner Services

Each of our business practitioners bring depth and breadth in experience to implementations.

Mobile Development

Create complex enterprise software, ensure reliable software integration, modernise your legacy system.

IT Counsultancy

Trust our top minds to eliminate workflow pain points, implement new tech, and consolidate app.

CX/UX Design

Build the product you need on time with an experienced team that uses a clear and effective design.

Automation Garage

We help you Innovate & discover business value faster.

UI/UX Design

Build the product you need on time with an experienced team that uses a clear and effective design.

Dedicated Team

Over the past decade, our customers succeeded by leveraging Intellectsoft’s process of building, motivating.

// latest case studies

Introduce Our Projects

We’ve exceled our experience in a wide range of industries to bring valuable insights and provide our customers.